“The future is billions of years old.”

–Artist, Christine Corday

Foundation Civilization is an evolved single practice of humanity – a bold Art-led dynamic of disciplines creating visionary PublicWorks for the rapid advancement of civilization.

A sculptor-founded focus of experts from the cosmological to quantum developing new tools to shape the next epoch in climate, agriculture, energy, water, and materials.

Founder, Christine Corday, Climate Control Solutions, Foundation Civilization

New York Artist, Christine Corday

“All disciplines share the same atomic clay.”

The universe is a sculptor and we share its tools. Temperature and pressure are the cosmological-scale hammer and chisel shaping the material universe. My twenty-year practice as sculptor utilizes temperature and pressure to shape matter with key interest in atomic elements and their material phase change. All structure is informed by these tools and all matter shares the same atomic medium.

Our sciences are observing Earth undergoing an accelerating temperature-based material phase transition. Given that temperature and material states are central to my work, Earth has become a central form of my sculpture practice.

Foundation Civilization is the on-going series of works developed by an Art-led single practice of all disciplines with sole focus on the form of this planet. Earth is an integrative sculpture shaped by a scale of tools we all share and must responsibly further to balance versus accelerate its unique carbon cycle. Each work shares the same vision––egoless, equal-seated, and undeterred by the long goal with bold short-term contributions to shape the next epoch of Earth, humanity’s largest PublicWork.


Focus: Energy + Climate | Tidal Energy, Carbon Seawater Pump, Alkaline Oceans

PublicWork | Instrument for the Ocean to Play

Initiated | Cadiz, Seville, Spain.

Multidisciplinary | Art, Astronomy, Data Sciences, Oceanography, Tidal Energy, Structural Engineering, Physics. Hydrology, Chemistry, Meteorolgy, Geology, Marine Biology.

Focus: Energy | Nuclear Fusion

PublicWork | Sans Titre Project with ITER

Initiated | Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France and New York, United States.

Multidisciplinary | Art, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Physics, Helioastrophysics, Material Science, Metallurgy, Engineering, Chemistry, Political Science.


Focus: Climate | Gigaton-scale Carbon Sequestration and Productive Storage

PublicWork | Project Diagon

Initiated | New York, San Francisco, Washington DC, United States.

Multidisciplinary | Art, Structural Engineering, Architectural Design, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Technology, Ecology, Meteorology, Climate Science, Material Science. 

Focus: Climate | Atmospheric Carbon Feedstock and Sequestering Materials

PublicWork | Project Tropos

Initiated | New York, New Haven, Chicago, United States; Auckland, New Zealand

Multidisciplinary | Art, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Material Science.

Focus: Agriculture | Climate | Water

PublicWork | Growing HOPE

Initiated | New York, Chicago, Phoenix, Washington DC, Saint Louis, United States. Nova Scotia, Canada; Potsdam, Germany; London, England.

Multidisciplinary | Art, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Plant Genetics, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Physics, Data Sciences, Structural Engineering, Architecture.

Focus: Measurement

PublicWork | HUMAn

Initiated | New York, Seattle, Big Sur, Washington DC, United States.

Multidisciplinary | Art, Architecture Design, Cosmology, Mathematics.

Foundation Civilization works with Individuals from:

“We are tool makers.”

— Carl Sagan

Excerpt: Carl Sagan. Voyager’s Triumph. Popular Science 1986. pg 73-79.

Art.  Chemistry. Cosmology.  Physics.  Architecture.  Engineering.  Fabrication.  Biology. Astrophysics.  Botany. Anthropology.  Neurology. Spectroscopy. Archeology.  Economics. Photometry.  Psychology.  Geography.  Mathematics.  Molecular Physics.  Systems Science.  Geology.  Organic Chemistry.  Areology.  Quantum Mechanics.  Data Science. Asteroseismology.  Information Technology.  Mechanics.  Electromagnetics. Thermodynamics.  Kinetics.  Helioseismology.  Inorganic Chemistry.  Nuclear Physics. Quantum Chemistry.  Electrochemistry.  Analytical Chemistry.  Solar Physics. Heliophysics.   Earth Sciences.   Anatomy.   Biochemistry.   Neurobiology.   Astrometry. Planetology.  Exoplanetology.  Astrogeology.  Inorganic Chemistry.  Marine Biology. Music Theory.  Ecology.  Palaeontology.  Optics.  Genetics.  Exogeology.  Planetary Geology.  Astrobiology.  Microbiology.  Astrochemistry.  Cell Biology.  Ethology. Thermodynamics.   Physical Chemistry,.  Meteorology.  Atmospheric Sciences  Glaciology.  Biophysics.  Climatology.  Astroecology.  Acoustics.  Volcanology.  Structural Geology.  Atomic Physics.